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Business Connect


NSW business, made simple.

Whether you are just starting out with a great business idea or looking to expand and grow your business, Business Connect has a number of very helpful services which make it much easier on your journey to business success.

Services include:
  • Grow or start your business and set it up for success
  • Meet experienced advisors in your area
  • Receive ongoing support through the online portal.
Start Your Business:

Business Connect advisors can give you the advice, skills and information you need to navigate the steps to set up your business. Their experience and knowledge is gained from running a small business themselves.

Grow Your Business: 

Speak to a Business Connect advisor to help plan the next stage of your business. Their digital specialist advisors can also make sure you are making the most of your digital marketing and maximising online sales.

Go to Business Connect for more information or connect with a local Business Connect Advisor to register for your first free business advice session.