Pets are a popular addition to many households throughout the Shire and there are plenty of good reasons to own pets, including the related social and health benefits as well as the companionship they provide.
Pet ownership comes with many responsibilities and it is important you understand how to care for your pet correctly to ensure it stays safe, healthy and does not become a nuisance to other residents.
The Office of Local Government has information about various Acts related to Companion Animals
Office of Local Government Website | Companion Animals Act | Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act
The Companion Animals Act 1998 and the Companion Animals Regulation 2008 provide for the identification and registration of dogs and cats, how they are managed and the duties and responsibilities of their owners in NSW.
Local councils administer and enforce this legislation, as well as update registration information on the NSW Companion Animals Register. Contact Council if you have any questions about dogs, cats and the law, or to update your dog or cat’s contact details on the Register.
The NSW Government HAS introducing annual permits for non-desexed cats and restricted and dangerous dogs as part of its commitment to promoting responsible pet ownership and improving animal welfare standards.
Annual permit fees will go directly to the Companion Animals Fund which pays for companion animal management by local councils including pounds/shelters, ranger services, dog recreation areas, and education and awareness programs.
The fund is also used to operate the NSW Pet Registry and carry out responsible pet ownership initiatives.
If you require any further information or assistance, please contact the NSW Pet Registry at and 1300 134 460.
Council records indicate there are a high number of unregistered cats and dogs in the Shire, which would also suggest there are a large number of unidentified companion animals as well.
Within the community there is often a misunderstanding between Lifetime Identified and Lifetime Registered, with many under the misconception that Lifetime Identified means that their animal is Registered.
Lifetime Identified is when an animal has been microchipped by a vet or certified implanter. Under law, this is required by 12 weeks of age, and allows the animal to be identified to a certain individual and address.
Lifetime Registration is required by all NSW Councils. This is to be completed by 6 months of age. The cost of registration can vary, and there are exemptions for some working dogs and incentives for animals that have been de-sexed.
If your companion animal requires a Lifetime identification (microchip), this can be carried out by Councils Ranger. This service is by appointment only, and a small fee is charged.
Registrations can be completed or updated at the Local Shire Offices, or online at
Please feel free to contact Council on 02-69 205 305 if you require any further information.
What do I have to do to when exercising my dogs?
Dogs must be on a leash and under the control of a competent person at all times while in a public place.
What can I do about nuisance dogs?
Council can issue a Nuisance Order if a dog repeatedly barks, damages other people’s property or chases people, animals or vehicles. If you believe a dog is doing these things the owner can be fined. If your neighbours are complaining because your dog barks too much, there are things you can do. Contact the Council for some helpful hints.
Does my cat have to be kept inside?
No. The Companion Animals Act does not contain any requirement for a cat curfew or for cats to be kept inside. However cat owners are encouraged to keep them in at night, and roaming cats may be impounded.
Did you know that your cat can live its best and safest life contained at home?
There are many benefits to keeping your cat safe, happy and secure in your house and backyard. Cats who roam face numerous risks, including traffic incidents, snake and insect bites, and altercations with dogs and other cats.
But cats don’t need to roam. In contrast, indoor cats can live longer lives, protected from all these dangers. And, if provided with everything they need, they can be just as happy at home.
The RSPCA has produced a Guide to Keeping Your Cat Safe and Happy At Home, which has plenty of helpful information on what you need to provide for your cat inside, and how you can even offer your cat safe access to fresh air and the outdoors.
For further information please visit the Office of Local Government website. This website contains information and resources for dog and cat owners, breeders, pet shops, vets, authorised indentifers and councils in NSW.
Dog attacks and stock wandering onto roads can happen at any time day or night. These incidents should be reported immediately if they fall within the following guidelines.
Dog Attacks: A person or animal has been attacked or seriously threatened, the incident has just happened and offending dog is still in area or is continuing to pose a threat.
Roaming Stock: If stock have wandered onto a frequently used road and are posing a risk to motorists.
These incidents can be reported at any time by phoning Council on 6920 5305 where you will be given relevant options. If you are calling after hours please listen carefully to the recorded message. These incidents should also be reported to the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 or your local police station. In all life threatening or emergency situations call 000.
All other requests should be directed to Council during normal working hours.
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