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Works Programs


In this section of Council’s website you will find information on funded works for the coming year.

Climatic constraints & unforeseeable delays may mean some of these works are postponed.


Please be advised that road works are scheduled to occur in your area over the next 6 months.

Type of Works:  Road Pavement Upgrade, Drainage Works, Kerb & Gutter   

Location:  Matthews St (Between Green Street & Ferrier Street)

Date:  Commencing 11 September 2024 for approximately 2 weeks

Time of Works:  Monday-Friday, 7.00am-4pm (Weather Permitting)

LSC Contact:  Works Manager, Mr. Sam Wooden 02 6920 5305


What are we doing?

Lockhart Shire Council will be undertaking Construction works that will include the following:

  1. Pavement upgrade
  2. Roadside drainage improvements
  3. Kerb & Guttering
  4. Pedestrian Crossovers


What to expect during this time?

During work hours there will be an increase to construction vehicle movements within the area and a subsequent increase to construction related noise.

Traffic guidance schemes will be implemented for the duration of the project to assist with management of local traffic through and around the works area.

There may be minor disruptions to driveway access during work hours. Construction team members will keep you informed of any such times and will be able to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding this.


How can I help?

Our staff on the ground will do their best to complete these works as fast as possible. If you have any feedback on the process or works being undertaken, please call the contact above who can assist you.

Please also be aware that these works are heavily dependent on weather conditions which may impact project completion timeframes.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.


Works Team

Lockhart Shire Council