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Planning Policies


Local Environmental Plan (LEP)

Lockhart Shire’s Local Enviromental Plan (LEP) was gazetted on 7 January 2013 and was developed by the Lockhart Shire Council under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

The LEP is a legally binding document that identifies, among other things, the zoning and building controls of land within the Lockhart Shire. It includes maps for visual reference to zone layouts, and specifies what types of development are permissible within each zone.

A copy of the Lockhart LEP is available from the NSW Legislation Website, which can be accessed via the link below.

View the Lockhart Shire LEP

Development Control Plan (DCP)

On 19 December 2016, Council adopted the Lockhart Shire Development Control Plan. The DCP aims to facilitate the objectives of the LEP by providing more detailed controls for development, by outlining Council policies, standards and preferred future direction for development within the Lockhart Shire.

View the Lockhart Shire DCP

Development Contributions Plan 2020  

On 17 August 2020 Council adopted the Lockhart Shire Development Contributions Plan 2020. Formulated under Section 7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the Plan enables Council to charge a levy on developments as a means of funding improvements to local infrastructure and services. This new Plan replaces the previous Plan which was adopted in 2015.

View the Development Contributions Plan 2020

s7.12 Contributions Register

Community Participation

Community Participation Plans (CPPs) are a new requirement under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act). Council’s Community Participation Plan is designed to make participation in planning clearer for the community. It does this by setting out how and when interested persons can participate in the planning system, Council’s functions and different types of proposals. Lockhart Shire Council have combined the Community Participation Plan with our Community Engagement Strategy, to demonstrate our overall commitment to community engagement. To access a copy of Lockhart Community Participation Plan, click on the following link:

Lockhart Community Participation Plan

Local Strategic Planning Statement for Lockhart Shire

The Lockhart Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) sets the land use framework for Lockhart Shire Council’s economic, social and environmental land use needs over the next 20 years. It addresses the planning and development issues of strategic significance to the Council through planning priorities and actions, spatial land use direction and guidance.

The LSPS gives effect to the Riverina Murray Regional Plan 2036 implementing the directions and actions at a local level. It is also informed by other statewide and regional policies including Future Transport Plan 2056 and the NSW State Infrastructure Strategy 2018 – 2038.

The LSPS works with Council’s Community Strategic Plan (CSP), which has a similar but broader purpose on how Council will, through land use planning, meet the community’s needs. The planning priorities and actions contained in the LSPS provide the rationale for decisions about how we will use our land to achieve the community’s broader goals and what updates are required to the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).

Download a copy of the Local Strategic Planning Statement for Lockhart Shire