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Small Business NSW


Small businesses make up 96 per cent of all business; they’re the backbone of Australia’s economy. And on top of their direct contribution, small businesses’ products and services are often vital to the efficient operation of their customers in larger businesses.

In addition to contributing to the economy directly, the small business sector is a crucial platform which underpins the efficient operation of many medium-sized and large businesses.

Running a successful small business takes time and dedication. On top of actually providing the products and services they’re in business for, small business owners are often their own marketing, sales, accounts and human resources department.     

Small Business NSW aim to help small businesses operate as professionally, efficiently and successfully as they can. They can:

  • Serving as a neutral party in mediation and dispute resolution between small businesses or between a small business and a larger one or between a small business and government
  • Providing high quality business advice and advisors with 

             access to world class tools

  • Speaking up for small

             businesses within government

Visit the Small Business NSW website or call the 

We Assist Helpline on 1300 795 534 for more information.